練習曲說 有些事現在不做,一輩子都不會做了。差一點,天外奇蹟的卡爾老爺爺也要臣服於這句話,在伴侶死後就縮在屋子裡沉寂孤老一生,還好天外奇蹟不愧是卡通,他是個給大人看的童話,他想跟你說,啥時候開始都不嫌晚!!



Girl's Last Wish Fulfilled: Pixar's "Up"

Studio employee hand-delivers DVD hours before 10-year-old dies of cancer

Updated 8:00 PM PDT, Fri, Jun 19, 2009



Her body wracked by a rare cancer, 10-year-old Colby Curtin hung on to life so she could watch Up, the new Pixar animated feature.

Colby, diagnosed with a vascular tumor in 2005, had set her hopes on seeing the film when she saw a trailer for the movie in April. Her mother, Lisa Curtin, told the Orange County Register that her daughter's health took a turn for the worse afterwards, and by June, after the movie had opened, Colby was too ill to travel to a theater.

Reached by family friends and told of her wish, executives at the digital studio based in Emeryville, Calif. arranged to fly an employee with a DVD of the film to the girl's home in Huntington Beach on June 10, the newspaper reported. (Pixar did not comment.)

Colby, who could no longer see, listened to the film while her mother narrated the action. She died seven hours later.

A Dying Wish

A Dying Wish

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